We start our journey into mold illness as we Mesh ("to become entangled") With Mold.
We move on through our journey with mold illness as we: educate ourselves, accept our situation, take action, and learn to Mesh ("to fit or work together properly") With Mold.
Finally, we achieve gratitude and we optimize our health as much as we can while learning to live with mold in this world.

Welcome to MeshWithMold
My name is Britany LiButti.
I currently am recovering from: mold illness, mycotoxicosis/mold toxicity, candidiasis, gut dysbiosis, MCAS, histamine intolerance, mitochondrial dysfunction, and other autoimmune health challenges.
I am here to share my story, and some of my family's journey as we navigate mold recovery and all it entails for us.
I am glad you came here to read.
You are not alone.
MeshWithMold's Mission is to provide ample mold education and recovery resources whereby cost is not a barrier to access.
Information included on this website and any blogs or posts within are based upon my personal experiences. I am not a medical professional. Any information that you take from this website please discuss with your own medical professional to see if it can be helpful in your situation. Materials presented on this website are for educational purposes only.